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- Abatement
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- Adoption
- Adversary Proceedings
- Affidavit
- Aid to Families with Dependant Children
- Alimony
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Amended Order of Probation
- Appeal
- Appearance
- Appellate Court
- Arbitration/Binding Mediation
- Arraignment
- Arrearage
- Attorney
- Bench Warrant
- Bond, Bail, or Bail Bond
- Burden of Proof
- Can I file my own motion to change custody?
- Can my child enroll in the school district I live in, even though the child lives with the other parent most of the time?
- Caseload
- Cash Bond
- Certified Copy
- Change of Venue
- Chief Judge
- Child Abuse/Neglect
- Child Born Out-of-Wedlock
- Child Protection Proceedings
- Child Support
- Child Support Formula
- Child Support Guidelines
- Child support payments are not being made. Do I have to allow parenting time?
- Circuit Division
- Claims Against the State
- Commit
- Complaint
- Conciliation
- Conservatorship
- Contempt of Court Hearing
- Counsel
- Custody
- Custody
- Decedent’s Estates
- Defendant
- Delinquency
- Delinquent
- Department of Social Services
- Dismissal
- District Division
- Divorce
- Divorce
- Do I have the right to receive a copy of the Friend of the Court report and recommendation on custody?
- Do I need an attorney to get an order for support?
- Do the Friend of the Court and the judge have to use the child support formula?
- Docket
- Does the Friend of the Court have an obligation to investigate alleged abuse or neglect of a child?
- Domestic Relations Action
- Domicile
- Driver’s License Restoration
- Emancipation
- Emancipation
- Enforcement
- Evidence
- Ex Parte
- Ex Parte Order
- Fair Consideration
- Family Division
- Family Independence Agency
- Fees
- Felony
- Felony
- File
- Filing
- Fixed-term
- Friend of the Court
- Garnishment
- General Civil
- Guardian
- Guardian Ad Litem
- Guardianship
- Hearsay
- How do I change an existing order for custody?
- How do I contact the Office of Children’s Issues at the Department of State?
- How do I enforce a custody agreement if the other parent has taken the child to another country?
- How do I get an order for child support?
- How do I get an order for custody?
- I am concerned that my child is being abused when with the other parent. What should I do?
- I have a specific parenting time schedule that I would like to change. What can I do?
- I have asked to telephone my children at the other parent’s home; (s)he says no. What can the Friend of the Court do?
- If I am receiving public assistance (TANF or HP), do I still get child support?
- If I have been paying my child support and the custodial parent is not allowing parenting time, do I have to keep paying support?
- Inactive Case
- Income Withholding Order
- Interstate Income Withholding Order
- Is the Friend of the Court responsible for making sure that child support money is being spent on the children?
- Is there any way the Friend of the Court can assist parties in reaching an agreement regarding custody?
- It appears that the other parent has been drinking or using drugs. Do I have to let the children go?
- Joint Custody
- Judgment
- Judicial Tenure Commission
- Jurisdiction
- Landlord/Tenant
- Lien
- Litigant
- Litigation
- Marriage
- Mediation
- Mentally Impaired Proceedings
- Minor
- Misdemeanor
- Misdemeanor
- Municipal Civil Infractions
- Mutual Agreement
- My child does not want to engage in parenting time with the other parent. What can I do?
- My court order states I am to pay support through the Friend of the Court. Can I pay the other parent directly?
- My order for parenting time states I have “reasonable” parenting time (or visitation). What does this mean?
- Name Changes
- Obligor
- Office of Child Support
- Order
- Order for Discharge
- Order to Show Cause
- Parenting Time
- Parking Tickets
- Party
- Paternity
- Paternity Suit
- Payee
- Payor
- Periodic
- Personal Protection Orders (PPO)
- Petition
- Plaintiff
- Plea
- Pleadings
- Power of Attorney
- Preliminary Examination
- Pretrial Conference
- Pro Per
- Probate Division
- Probation
- Probation Order
- Recipient
- Reconciliation
- Referee
- Release of Information
- Residence
- Sentencing
- Show Cause Hearing
- Small Claims
- Sole Custody
- State Law Civil Infractions
- Statute of Limitations
- Statutes
- Stipulation
- Summons
- Support
- Support Order
- Supreme Court
- Surcharge
- Suspension
- Testimony
- The Friend of the Court will not help enforce my parenting time order. What can I do?
- The other parent is not paying support as ordered. What can I do?
- The other parent is not sending or returning clothing or other personal items for our child. Is there anything the Friend of the Court can do?
- The other parent refuses to see our children. What can the Friend of the Court do?
- The other party is not following the parenting time order. What can I do?
- Traffic and Parking Civil Infractions
- Transcript
- Travel Permit
- Venue
- Visitation Order
- Waive
- Waiver of Parental Consent of Abortion
- Warrant
- Warrant of Arrest
- What happens if I have an order for custody and the other parent does not return the child to me as stated in the court order?
- Wills and Trusts
- Witness