Erich Podjaske, City of Grayling

Paul Compo, Crawford County

Tom Coors, Maple Forest Township

Emily Causley, Chamber of Commerce

Jessica Topp, Michigan Works

Lacey Stephan, Grayling Township

Hon. Colin Hunter, 46th Circuit Court

Anita Merchant, Retired

Tim Sanchez, Crawford AuSable School District

Kim VanNuck, Crawford County Township Association

Jay Hollingsworth, Fick and Sons





The Crawford County Economic Development Partnership (CCEDP) is a 501(c)3, non – profit, dedicated to improving the economic impact of existing business while attracting new businesses to Crawford County.  The CCEDP has no formal connection to the local unit of government that is Crawford County but stands apart from all local units of government.  The membership is comprised of local governmental leaders, business leaders and community leaders that are interested in seeing an improved economic climate within Crawford County.  The goal of the organization is to assist in managing the growth of Crawford County in a manner that strengthens the local economy while maintaining the high quality of life that we all enjoy.


CCEDP Presentation


Available Properties




Erich Podjaske, City of Grayling

Paul Compo, Crawford County

Tom Coors, Maple Forest Township

Emily Causley, Chamber of Commerce

Jessica Topp, Michigan Works

Lacey Stephan, Grayling Township

Hon. Colin Hunter, 46th Circuit Court

Anita Merchant, Retired

Tim Sanchez, Crawford AuSable School District

Kim VanNuck, Crawford County Township Association

Jay Hollingsworth, Fick and Sons