County Clerk’s Office

Jamie McClain
County Clerk & Register of Deeds
Phone: (989) 344-3200

Sarah Medler
Chief Deputy Clerk

Michele Moshier
Chief Deputy Register of Deeds/Deputy Clerk

Deputy Clerk


200 W Michigan Ave.
Grayling, MI 49738
Phone: (989) 344-3207
Fax: (989 344-3223


Monday – Friday
8:30am – 4:30pm
(closed 12pm – 1pm for lunch)


Vital Records handles records of birth, death, marriage and divorce; concealed pistol applications, Notary, registration of DBA (Doing Business As) and DD214 (discharge from military).


Certified copies of vital records are available through the Clerk’s Office. All copies issued by this office are certified copies with a “raised” seal. The issuance of certified copies is governed by Michigan Statutes. These statutes are available for inspection in the Clerk’s Office.


$15.00–first copy of record
$ 5.00–additional copies of the same record ordered at the same time.

Requests must be made in writing, either in person, online via the link to ORO (Official Records Online) or by mailing the appropriate application request below, accompanied by the required fees and/or a photocopy of the front and back of the valid drivers license or state issued personal ID card as indicated on the application.  Please contact our office for any questions.


Birth records for births occurring in Crawford County are available from the Clerk’s Office beginning with 1873.

Birth Certificates are confidential records and available only to the person or parents of the person named on that record. Additional documentation will be required of applicants stating they are an heir, legal guardian or legal representative of the person named on the record. This office requires a current valid driver’s license or state issued ID card as identification for birth certificate records.

Birth records that must be obtained from the State of Michigan Vital Records would include:

                      *    Births that occurred between 1933 – 1978 and the parents were not married

                      *    Records of stillbirth filed after June 1, 2003

                      *    Most foreign born adoptions (MCL 333.2830)

Application for Certified Copy of Birth Certificate_revised 10-10-2023

Official Records Online (ORO)


Death records for deaths occurring in Crawford County are available from the Clerk’s Office beginning with year 1873.

Application for Certified Copy of Death Certificate revised 10-10-2023

Official Records Online (ORO)



Marriage records for marriages applied for in Crawford County are available from the Clerk’s Office beginning in year 1880.

Application for Certified Copy of Marriage License_revised 10-10-2023

Official Records Online (ORO)

Worksheet for Application to Marry revised 05-19-2023

Online Application


Identification Requirements

Both parties must provide social security numbers and either a valid driver’s license or State issued identification to ascertain the county of residence.  A certified copy of a birth certificate can be used along with documents to verify residency.


Fees must be paid when appearing or applying at the Clerk’s Office

          *  Resident (one or both area a resident of Crawford County, MI)    $20.00

          *  Non-Resident (neither a resident of Crawford County, MI)    $30.00

 Who can marry…

To be able to marry you must not be married to someone else. (MCL 551.5)  If you have been married before, you may be asked to document that the earlier marriage has ended due to death or divorce.

To obtain a Michigan marriage license the couple must be eighteen (18) years of age or older and be able to enter into legal contracts.  (MCL 551.101)

An individual that is sixteen (16) or seventeen (17) may apply for a marriage license but must have parental consent or the consent of their legal guardian to marry.  If custody of a person applying for a license under the age of eighteen (18) has been awarded by the court, the consent must be from a custodial parent.  (MCL 551.51 and 551.103) 

Where to apply and where to marry…

If either of the couple are Michigan residents, they must apply with the County Clerk where one or both have legal residence.  Once the license is issued, Michigan residents can marry anywhere in the state.  (MCL 551.101)

If neither of the couple live in Michigan, they must apply with the County Clerk where the marriage ceremony is to be performed.  Once issued, the license can only be used in the issuing county.  (MCL 551.101)  

In either case, a Michigan license is not valid outside the State of Michigan.

Who can you marry…

There are restrictions on who someone can marry.  (MCL 551.3 and 551.4)

A man cannot marry his mother, sister, grandmother, daughter, granddaughter, stepmother, grandfather’s wife, son’s wife, wife’s mother, wife’s grandmother, wife’s daughter, wife’s granddaughter, brother’s daughter, sister’s daughter, father’s sister, mother’s sister or cousin of the first degree.

A woman cannot marry her father, brother, grandfather, son, grandson, stepfather, grandmother’s husband, daughter’s husband, granddaughter’s husband, husband’s father, husband’s grandfather, husband’s son, husband’s grandson, brother’s son, sister’s son, father’s brother, mother’s brother or cousin of the first degree

The three day waiting period…

Generally, a marriage license is not issued for a period of three days from the date of the application.  Applicants can, however, request a waiver of the three day waiting period from the Clerk issuing the license. (MCL 551.103a)  The application will expire 33 days after the date of the application.

Special notice of perjury…

Note that the application for a marriage license is a sworn affidavit.  Making false statements in the marriage license affidavit is an act of perjury which is a prosecutable offense.  (MCL 551.108)



County Clerk’s Office

Jamie McClain
County Clerk & Register of Deeds
Phone: (989) 344-3200

Sarah Medler
Chief Deputy Clerk

Michele Moshier
Chief Deputy Register of Deeds/Deputy Clerk

Deputy Clerk


200 W Michigan Ave.
Grayling, MI 49738
Phone: (989) 344-3207
Fax: (989 344-3223


Monday – Friday
8:30am – 4:30pm
(closed 12pm – 1pm for lunch)