A new Materials Management Plan is required of each county by the State of Michigan.  Crawford County has decided to move forward with a single county plan.  Crawford County has 36 months to develop and approve our Materials Management Plan.  We have determined that the North East Michigan Council of  Governments (NEMCOG) will be our Designated Planning Agency.  We will be working with them to develop the Plan.

Next steps that must be completed within 180 days include (1/4/2025):

  • Appointment of the Materials Management Planning Committee
  • Appointment of the Designated Planning Agency (within 120 days – this was already done in your NOI submission)
  • Development of a work program
  • Approval of work program from Planning Committee

MMP – Notice of Intent 7062024

MMP – Official Notice 7112024 

We will continue to keep the community apprised of our progress.